State Government
The powers of a state government in the United States are defined in the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which states that any powers not explicitly delegated to the federal government by the Constitution are reserved for the states or the people.
Powers of the State Government
The powers of a state government in the United States are defined in the Tenth Amendment to the ...
More The State Legislature Branch
A state legislature is responsible for making laws that govern the state. The powers of a state legislature ...
More The State Executive Branch
A governor is the head of the executive branch of a state government in the United States. The ...
More The State Judicial Branch
The state judiciary is responsible for interpreting and applying state laws and the state constitution and for resolving ...
More What does a Governor do?
A governor is the highest-ranking executive official in a state government and is responsible for overseeing the administration ...
More How is a lieutenant governor different from a governor?
A lieutenant governor is the second highest executive official in a state government and serves as the backup ...