Gerrymandering in America, with Nick Seabrook

In his book One Person, One Vote, Nick Seabrook, an authority on constitutional and election law, examines the question of gerrymandering—that is, the intentional drawing of electoral districts for political gain.  Seabrook looks at the history of gerrymandering, which he believes is “a uniquely American phenomenon,” and how new technologies have made the practice far more…

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Native Americans and the Founding Fathers

Did tribal governments and indigenous political theories affect the Founding Fathers and the United States Constitution? If so, how? Robert James Miller makes the case that the Founding Fathers, the United States Constitution, and perhaps even larger political ideas generally associated with Europe were impacted by tribal governments and indigenous political theories. Professor Miller identifies…

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Art’s Role in Civil Society, with Jed Perl

In his book Authority and Freedom: A Defense of the Arts, Jed Perl argues that “authority and freedom are the lifeblood of the arts.” Are they also the lifeblood of civil society—and especially democratic society? View our discussion below on the relationship between art and society, the artist’s role in society, and whether art and…

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The Future of the Court

The Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States was formed by President Joe Biden’s Executive Order 14023 in April 2021. The Commission’s purpose was to provide an analysis of the principal arguments in the contemporary public debate for and against reforming the Supreme Court, including an appraisal of the merits and legality…

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Equality and Justice for All

ENRICHING AMERICA’S STORIES:Expanding Diverse Collection With Distinguished Guest Speaker DR. CARLA HAYDEN14th Librarian of Congress Dr. Carla Hayden is the 14th Librarian of Congress in our nation’s history, serving in three presidential administrations. Dr. Hayden will discuss the 13th Amendment ratified by Congress in 1865 and signed by President Abraham Lincoln as well as “Of…

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